5 Reasons to Use Sunscreen for Sensitive Skin
5 Reasons to Use Sunscreen for Sensitive Skin
Whether you have sensitive skin or not, you should use sunscreen for sensitive skin! Do you really want to wear chemicals and risk your skin's protection?
Everyone knows the importance of sunscreen. That beet red sunburn could lead to cancer later in life.
So, we slather on the sunscreen during summer to protect us from harmful UV rays. It's no big deal, right?
Well, for some people sunscreen is actually a huge deal. Those of us with sensitive skin know that anything with chemicals risks all sorts of adverse reactions.
It leaves us in a predicament. Do we stop wearing sunscreen just because it irritates our skin? Can we afford the risks?
The answer, is, of course, no. Sunscreen is important.
Luckily, an entire world of sunscreen for sensitive skin exists. Sunscreen that won't irritate your skin!
To help guide you into this mystical world of irritation free protection, we're bringing you our list of 5 reasons to use sunscreen for sensitive skin.
#1: Chemical Sunscreen Has, Well, Chemicals
Sunscreen is so normal in day to day life that people don't think twice about using it. Going to the beach? Pack some sunscreen!
If you take the time to look into what chemicals these products expose to our bodies, you might change your tune.
The sunscreen chemical oxybenzone can linger in our bodies for over five days after use.
Studies have found it in breast milk and blood, as well as in the urine of 96 percent of girls aged 6 to 8.
That's not so reassuring. Why knowingly expose yourself to chemicals that linger in your bloodstream?
#2: Hormone Disruption
The chemicals in sunscreen have a complex effect on the human body. In fact, no one is sure just how much harm they could cause.
These researchers found a link between the sunscreen chemicals oxybenzone, homosalate, octinoxate, and hormone disruption.
Particularly, chemicals affected thyroid and reproductive hormones in multiple animal and cellular tests.
It's important to note that these results are preliminary, but do you want to risk it when there are alternatives available?
#3: Chemical Sunscreen Causes Acne and Dermatitis
Having sensitive skin means we're all familiar with random products giving us acne, rashes, etc. Chemical sunscreen is no different.
The sunscreen chemicals oxybenzone, avobenzone, octinoxate, and octocrylene are known to cause dermatitis.
What's more, the oils in sunscreen are also excellent at clogging our pores. Break outs are almost guaranteed if you're predisposed to acne.
#4: Mineral Sunscreen Protection
Trade in all of those chemicals for a sunscreen that provides real protection without any of the drawbacks.
Mineral sunscreen, like zinc oxide, uses naturally occurring minerals that protect your skin better than any generic chemical sunscreen.
Zinc oxide especially protects from a full spectrum of UVA and UVB light. Chemical based sunscreen does not offer this level of protection.
#5: Extended Protection
Chemical sunscreen doesn't start working until around 20 minutes after application. This is because it needs time to absorb into your skin.
Once absorbed, the protection also only lasts for several hours. You'll need to reapply all day long.
However, with mineral sunscreen like zinc oxide, the protection is instant and long lasting. It's just another reason why mineral based sunscreen is always best.
Is Sunscreen for Sensitive Skin the Best Choice for You?
If you're suffering from sensitive skin, ditch the chemicals and stick with mineral based sunscreen. It offers more protection, is healthier, and much easier on your skin.
Ready to actually keep your skin safe? Visit our store today to get the jump start on a healthier you!